Primary Program

Primary School 004
Primary School 005
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Primary School

Cambridge Primary starts learners on an exciting educational journey. Typically for 5 to 11-year-olds, it provides a strong foundation for students at the beginning of their schooling before progressing through the Cambridge Pathway in an age-appropriate way.

Primary School


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Grade 1 - 5

Age: 5- 11 Years

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Instruction Time

4 Hours 10 Minutes

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Time Table

Monday to Friday & alternate Saturdays.

Cambridge Primary

Core Subjects

Skills Developed Strands
Confident and fluent communication.
Proficient readers and able to engage with a range of texts.
Excellent orators and ability to express in their creative work.
Skills Developed Strands
Ability to develop critical thinking.
Application of Math in everyday life.
Develop necessary computational skills.
Geometry and Measure
Statistics and Probability
Skills Developed Strands
Develop a life-long curiosity about the natural world.
Enables students to seek scientific explanations to the phenomena around them.
Able to apply concepts in their practical life.
Biology – living things and how they interact.
Chemistry – the study of matter.
Physics – the interaction of matter and energy. Earth and Space – planet Earth, the wider Solar System and beyond.
Skills Developed Strands
Confident and fluent communication
Proficient readers and able to engage with a range of texts.
Excellent orators and ability to express in their creative work.
Cambridge Primary

Enrichment Classes

Skills Developed Ability to see themselves as artists.
Expressing ideas more creatively and displaying them more visually.<,br> Enables the child to see and visualise the world in a more creative, innovative and interconnected world.
Skills Developed
Cultivates a joy of and love for music.
Collaborate with others in purposeful and expressive ways through singing and playing instruments.
Nurture their individual and collective creativity.
Skills Developed
Leads to control, fluency and variety.
Understanding of rules, tactics, strategies etc.
Importance of healthy and active lifestyle. Bio-mechanics
Skills Developed
Ability to evaluate, reflect, analyze, research, collaborate and communicate.
Skills Developed
Introduce learners to the key ICT applications they need to use in order to acquire that literacy, and to understand the impact of technology on our daily lives.
Guidance on the eSafety and ethical implications of the technology used.
Skills Developed
Builds fitness and improves flexibility.
It simulates creativity in every child.
It enables improved concentration and pattern recognition.